Thursday, March 1, 2012

Edits to Tilted Throat

You may have noticed that the bone structure on the "tipped throat" image a few posts down looked a bit shoddy... I ended up doing some project revisions to make the transition from straight anterior view to tipped-back more believable.

The edits to the straight anterior view are probably not very obvious - just some differentiation in values, trying to make the trapezius muscle seem a little closer to the viewer and the other muscles more vibrant and life-like. (Also the thyroid cartilage and trachea were tinted blue to correspond with the discs in the vertebral column).

Hopefully the transition here is a little more distinctive though; there was definitely something wrong with the first skull. It might just be that it's not dramatic enough of an angle, but I think lightening up the color palette helped a lot too.

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